In November 2021, the iconic British brand Norton officially opened the doors to their new home in Solihull, following the purchase of their brand by TVS Motors. Dura, in partnership with distributor ProBike, were delighted to provide the high-quality workshop which took pride of place within this exciting, modern facility.
The new 73,000 sq ft facility is key to the brand’s resurgence. Furnished with leading edge equipment, the new headquarters provides capacity to manufacture up to 8,000 motorcycles per year. Norton engines are hand-built and developed within a clean room environment, with HEPA filters to eliminate contamination. This provides uncompromising quality at every stage of production, something which the renowned British name has built its reputation on.
Framed by an extensive viewing window, the workshop service area is a key feature for visitors as they arrive at Norton’s showroom. Working closely with the stakeholders, Dura’s team engineered a design which not only provided a streamlined working environment for the Norton technicians but blended beautifully with the building’s impressive design language – creating a sense of theatre for customers as they immersed themselves in the brand’s history.
To find out about other Dura projects, or to discuss how we could help you with your own workshop developments, then please call our team on 01280 706050 or email
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